Body Kneads Wellness Spa

Give Your Body What It Kneads

Ion Cleanse


Today, we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet. Ongoing periodic cleansing is essential to maintain health. The IonCleanse® system, in combination with a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, provides a thorough and efficient way to maintain high energy levels and long-term wellness.  When you incorporate the Ion Cleanse into a health plan, almost every other therapy or intervention may have a greater impact on your health and wellness.


What results should I expect?

Most people feel lighter on their feet, more energy, clearer thinking, and reduced stress. If you feel good before a detox foot bath session, you’ll feel good afterward. People who feel the worst going into a session tend to notice the biggest changes. If there is a specific issue you are looking to address, most of the time you will notice changes within two months of consistent use.



There are certain people who should not use the IonCleanse by AMD. Unless you are under a physician’s guidance, the following contraindications should be followed: • Wearers of a pacemaker, or any other battery operated or electrical implant. • Pregnant or nursing women. • Those on heartbeat regulating medication and/or blood thinners. • Organ transplant recipients. • Those on medication, the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes,seizures, etc...